Being the south central of Indian railway Trivandrum is well connected with other destinations of India. Trivandrum have two Railway station. One is Trivandrum central railway station and other one is Kochiveli railway station which is only 5 kms from Trivandrum central railway station.
What is the Distance and time taken to travel from Kanyakumari to Trivandrum?
The driving duration from Kanyakumari to Rameshwaram is appx 5 hours to 6 hours by car hiring in Kanyakumari. The route taken from Kanyakumari to Rameshwaram is via Tirunelveli and Thothukoodi. The roads are very good in condition except some places where small villages are there.
Is there any good restaurant on the way from Kanyakumari to Trivandrum?
Yes, there are only few good restaurants on the way to Trivandrum from Kanyakumari in Nagercoil, after that restaurants available only in Kovalam.
How many tolls are there in-between Kanyakumari to Trivandrum?
There is no tolls on this route but, being Kanyakumari and Trivandrum in located in two different states, Permit charges are applicable.
What is the permit charges from Kanyakumari to Trivandrum?
This is an approximate cost Sedan & SUV will cost Rs. 300 and Tempo Traveller permit charge for Trivandrum from Kanyakumari is Rs. 500.
Permit charges are charged on the basis of per entry and valid up to 7 days.